Welcome to GameMaker Wiki!
This Wiki will hopefully be a comprehensive guide to GameMaker: Studio, its users, and its users' creations. The navbar to the left allows for easy access to different portals so you can find exactly what you want, when you want it.
Alternatively, if you want to find a particular item, use the search bar on the top right of every page.
Want to edit GameMaker Wiki?
Absolutely anyone is welcome to help keep GameMaker Wiki up to date! You will need to register before doing so, but then you are free to add whatever you like. Please keep it clean though. Registered members may edit, create and remove content from GameMaker Wiki. To become a member: Join GameMaker Wiki
Once you are a member, please check the Editors' Guides section so when you edit or create new content for pages, you keep with the theme of alike pages.
Need help with GameMaker: Studio?
At present, a lot of the help on this wiki is outdated and is predominantly focused on GameMaker before the GameMaker HTML5 and Studio iterations. Since GameMaker Wiki was first created, YoYo Games have made vast improvements to their first-party help system. It's now excellent and can provide you all the support you need (if they don't have the answer already written, their customer support team can help).
Staff List?
See the Members page for full staff and member lists.
What's the copyright status of GameMaker Wiki's content?
All items on GameMaker Wiki are, and shall remain, free to copy and paste elsewhere and distribute. If credit is needed to copy an article or tutorial, you will see Written by <name> on the bottom of the article. At this point, you are still free to copy and distribute, but with a name check. Please note this if you are joining with the intention of writing articles for GameMaker Wiki.